My inspiration for this post came from my dear, longtime blogging friend, Debbie @ Musings by an ND Domer's Mom, who is not only a gifted...

Quite often, I seem to get my inspiration for future blog posts from something that another blogger has shared in one of their blog posts, or through comments either left on this blog or someone else’s.
So, thank you everyone!
Such as it was in my recent Pussycat Dolls post.
My longtime and very artistically gifted blogging friend, Linda, always seems to give me food for thought in her comments; asking me an interesting question or simply expressing a thought she may have had.
Thanks, Linda…xo
In that post, I shared about how I find the Pussycat Dolls sexy.
In Linda’s comment she said….
“it's interesting to me that you find them sexy when you're gay ....”
My response to her was…..
“Just because I'm gay, doesn't mean I don't find women sexy. I think women are beautiful; equally as attractive as men. I just prefer men as a partner....”
And I truly believe that most gay men would response similarly.
Personally (and I’ve shared this before), I can see and appreciate the beauty in both sexes. And even though I may be more drawn to a man on an intimate level, I believe this world would be one dimensional and very boring without the presence of women.
I think if we could be totally honest with ourselves, most people would share that whatever their sexual preference is, they too have at one time or another found a member of their opposite sexual preference attractive.
And that doesn’t mean you’re gay or even bi-sexual, it just means that you can view anyone as attractive or sexy.
Sexy is sexy, regardless of the gender.
To me, sexiness encompasses more than just the physical part of a person, anyway. It also has a lot to do with the way a person carries themselves. The aura they exude.
I’ve come to the conclusion there is no such thing as only black and white when it comes to attraction. There is a whole area of GRAY which is not really definable, but it's there.
It's those spaces between black and white, which represent our ability to purely appreciate the beauty of everyone.
So, yes…even though I prefer a partnership with a man, I can still find a woman very sexy.
It’s that simple.