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The quote you see above are the words I hear almost EVERY SINGLE DAY at work.

“Me no like this color…..does this free bag come in different color?”

For those of you who might not be familiar with purchasing cosmetics or fragrances in a department store, we in the cosmetic industry have created a monster.

And that monster is called, A Gift With Purchase.

Sometimes certain companies will offer a free gift with a minimum purchase, in an attempt to persuade a customer to buy something from them.

Often that gift is either a handbag (for females), or a gym bag (for males). They each come in only one color and one style, but somehow certain customers believe they’re entitled to a choice. And most of these certain customers are people who will try to barter; wheeling and dealing with you until they get the price they want, and the color bag they want.

Funny, these are the same certain people who own practically every single convenient store in the city of Philadelphia, and who charge $7.00 for a pack of chewing gum and then won’t allow you to use your debit card unless you purchase something for $10.00 or MORE.

And funny, these are the same certain people who ALWAYS come into my store looking for a DISCOUNT.

A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of waiting on two delightful certain ladies who were inquiring about a free handbag that came with a fragrance. First of all I have to tell you straight up, that the handbag this company was offering looked like something you would find at a circus, as the prize you’d win for seeing how many balloons you could pop using darts. It was the cheapest and most gaudiest-looking handbag I have ever seen, but you’d swear these ladies where getting a free handbag from The House of Chanel.

And after about 45 minutes of closely inspecting it; outside of scanning it through an MRI machine to see if there were any imperfections, one of the ladies looked up at me and said, “Me no like this color….does it come in blue?”

OMG, I wanted to SCREAM, because the thought of this hideous-looking handbag coming in blue made all the hair on my body want to jump off.

*and no, the photo you see above was not the actual bag

But instead I calming said, “I’m sorry, it only comes in this color.”

Whereupon she said, “Well, me no like this color.”

Whereupon I said, “Well, I don’t know what to tell you, this is the only color it comes in, you don’t have a choice. ”

“But me no like this color, I want blue.”

“It’s a FREE gift, so you get what they give you.”

“But me no like this color, I want blue.”

“Well, outside of taking a blue crayon and coloring this handbag, there is nothing I can do about that.”

“But I want BLUE handbag.”

“Um, it sounds to me like you’re looking for a blue handbag, not a fragrance. So perhaps you should walk over to our handbag department and look at the Coach purses which come in a variety of colors, but I guarantee it won’t be FREE.”

And as they walked away; shuffling their feet, I thought to myself….


Please pray for me…….it’s Black Friday.

Wishing you a flawless weekend everyone!